Sunday, April 16, 2017

Not Deathless Prose or Doctrine

Nothing in this blog has any particular value apart from the purpose it served when written.  I make no pretension of originality.  I think re-invention is just as much fun for subsequent inventors as it was for the first to publish the idea.  I have no educational pedigree, literally no degree at all.  There is no reason to take anything I write seriously.  I find this thought very liberating.  I pay no debt to posterity.  I expect to vanish without a trace.

Any casual reader of what I have written may sense deep internal problems within the assembly.  I am aware of many examples of inconsistency and contradiction, to say nothing of just outright poor writing, in this collection. If anyone bothered to read this, they could add many more.

That's just fact.  Everything approximates some idea of mine at the time it was written.  Thoughts often evolve over time in any brain not locked down by ideology. I do not consider the effort worthwhile to polish or refine pieces more than a few days old.  There is always something else to say.  Nothing is ever the final word.  I am not writing for publication, or even expecting to be read at all.  I write for myself.  I write to develop ideas in my head.  Sometimes I am pleased with the result.  Sometimes there are only fragments of ideas stillborn, only ramblings and waste, my ignorance confirmed by my own hand.

Still, each idea seemed worth expressing when I wrote it.  Time is my enemy.  I am not responsible to any editor or audience.  It is what it is.  What I have not sampled in this life are the only things I could possibly regret.

I have had so much enjoyment and happiness.  I overcame the bad stuff as long as I'm here.  I will die and return to dust quite soon, but probably not in the next instant.  I cheated as little as possible and, on my own terms, won big time.  Thanks, Oh my real or imaginary God, thanks for the opportunity.  Thanks for life, Mom and Dad.  I am truly grateful.

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